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Repeater Instructions:
Separate each word element. If there are 3 lines of information, there should be 3 separate text elements instead of 1.

Create a new Dataset on the page to connect ONLY to the Repeater.
Make sure your Dataset connects to Job Full Description Database

Type in the # of records to be displayed in the Repeater by typing in the # in the Dataset settings.
Example, if you want 24 jobs to be displayed on the Home page, then make sure you type in the number inside of the Dataset settings.

Connect each text element to the corresponding Data from your Database.
Create a new field in your Database if you don't have one for that piece of Text.

Since you want the Title to be underlined, I recommend adding a transparent button and placing it on top of the Text.
Connect the button to your dynamic page - Job Description

You can customize the repeater any way you want. Check out the layout icon for other options.

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